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past questions
Pass your next certification exam easily! Find everything you need to prepare, learn & pass your certification exam. We have millions of free exam past questions, officially released by exam providers. Our questions are verified and updated every week.
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in 150+ countries
We're grateful to have helped 1 million+ exam takers scale their exams in one sitting! and we're trusted by
industry leading teams like Google, Figma, Revolut, and Shopify

Why study with exampractice?
98% success rate
98% of our 1 million+ students reported that they passed their exams after preparing with Exampractice.
500k community
Exampractice is trusted by 1 million: exam takers in over 150+ countries. We're proud to have such a diverse community of learners.
150+ countries
Since we launched, we have grown a community of learners in over 150+ countries.
Practice Test
In addition to the community question and answers, we have a real exam environment test.
Weekly update
Our verified questions and answers are constantly being updated weekly by our community.
Verified questions
All questions and answers are verified by a team of staff members, this is to give you the most accurate questions to expect.
PDF Download
All questions are available to download in pdf format, so you either print and study offline.
All exams have free samples, you can however upgrade to see all questions an access the practice test.
Verified, weekly
exam dumps
We're the largest past exam questions & answers in the world
and our questions and verified answers database is updated every week!

Meet our students
in 150+ countries
Since launching, we have grown a community of learners in over 150+ countries
who have benefited from our huge practice platform to pass their exams in their first sitting.

United States 🇺🇸

France 🇫🇷

United Kingdom 🇬🇧

Canada 🇨🇦

South Africa 🇿🇦

India 🇮🇳
More than 35% of the questions i saw in the exam i already saw them on exampractice.

Italy 🇮🇹 was a game-changer for my IELTS preparation concise, relevant, and incredibly effective.

United States 🇺🇸
The detailed explanations helped clarify complex topics, making difficult concepts much easier to grasp

Egypt 🇪🇬
Thanks to, I aced my certification! The questions were spot-on and very reflective of the real exam.

I recommend exampractice to anyone serious about passing their certification. It's a valuable resource that delivers results.

Norway 🇳🇴
With, I felt like I was studying smarter, not harder. Their practice tests are top-notch!

Mexico 🇲🇽
Passing my certification was a breeze thanks to the precise and detailed resources available at

Australia 🇦🇺
I am impressed with the variety of practice questions which were exacly what i saw in the exam.

United States 🇺🇸 thorough content and intuitive design boosted my confidence and ensured my exam success.

United States 🇺🇸
I just passed my solutions architect exam. Exampratice is the best decision i made. All the exam in the exam is the same thingi saw in the practice test. I highly remone

United Arab Emirates 🇦🇪
Signing up for the premium plan was the best decision for my certification journey. Reliable questions and answers that were extremely helpful!

Brazil 🇧🇷
I will advice you to sign up for the all access plan it's worth every dollar.

New Zealand 🇳🇿
The practice sessions on felt like the actual exam, which helped me manage my exam time efficiently.

Nigeria 🇳🇬
I owe my success to; the practice tests gave me the edge I needed to excel on exam day.

United States 🇺🇸
I went into my certification exam feeling prepared and confident, and I passed with flying colors!

Bangladesh 🇧🇩
All the questions i saw here appeared in the real exam.
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Exampractice is the easiest way to pass any certification exam
We're doing things a little different, with an awesome community in over 150 countries. Exampractice is an accessible way to learn with other exam takers around the world!

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Community first
Our community have supported us since day one and they mean everything to us. Everyday we foster inclusivity.
Always authentic
We hate shady marketing and believe raw authenticity and transparency is the key to any conversation or way of teaching.
Celebrate diversity
We listen and learn from our diverse community. It's the diversity of our community that makes Memorisely magic.
Stay sustainable
We setup Memorisely as a sustainable company that scales through word of mouth without a penny spent on paid advertising
Positive Energy
We're great believers in emitting positive energy and being a kind human goes a huge way.
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If the swell is good, drop everything and surf. Being remote, we encourage our team to treausre the outdoors above anything else.
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Given the speed of how things are changing. We invest in constantly updating our database.
We're a team who teach and learn-by-doing. We prefer to fail fast than plan and never achieve anything.